Ocular Oncology

For use with the
Beacon Illumination System
or any standard
US Vitrectomy System
Transillumination in the OR or Office
Atraumatic Corneal Shield
Bright and Controlled Illumination
Malleable shaft and easy grip handle
VS0803 - Transpupillary Illuminator for Beacon Illumination System
Sterile, 5/box
VS0804 - Transpupillary Illuminator for Alcon, B&L and DORC Vit Machines (adapter required)
Sterile, 5/bx
Developed in cooperation with Adam Weiner, MD
Replace your out-of-date light source and trans-illuminator with this new state of the art system.
- No patient discomfort
- Enhanced illumination
- Growing product line

One-piece transscleral illuminator designed for use in the clinic
Perfect of ocular tumor identification and marking
Requires Beacon LED light source
VS0802 - Beacon Transilluminator
Sterile, 5/box
Developed in cooperation with Basil Williams, MD
and Bozho Todorich, MD


50-watt LED light source
Simple control panel
No expensive bulbs to change
Light weight and portable
Perfect for the clinic and the operating room.
VS0900 - Beacon LED Light Source
Developed in cooperation with Basil Williams, MD
NANO SUBRET - Straight
for Tumor Biopsy

Ideal for tumor biopsies
Optimized for use without vitrectomy
Transcleral / transvitreal passage
Precise subretinal delivery of medications, gene therapy and stem cells.
28ga self-penetrating outer needle
41ga beveled injection needle
VS0225 - NANO SubRet - Straight
Sterile, 5/bx
Developed in cooperation with Tamer Mahmoud, MD
Prethy Rao, MD and Edward Wood, MD
for Tumor Biopsy

Ideal for tumor biopsies
Optimized for use without vitrectomy
Transcleral / transvitreal passage
Precise subretinal delivery of medications, gene therapy and stem cells.
Curved for easier approach to subretinal space
28ga self-penetrating outer needle
41ga beveled injection needle
VS0225C - NANO SubRet - Curved
Sterile, 5/bx